सामग्रीमा जानुहोस्

ढाँचा:सौर्य मण्डल

विकिपिडिया, एक स्वतन्त्र विश्वकोशबाट

Image:Solar System XXVII.png

  1. सूर्य

rect 0 0 90 35 सूर्य

  1. Mercury

circle 112 18 6 बुधग्रह

  1. शुक्र

circle 153 18 8 शुक्रग्रह

  1. पृथ्वी

circle 203 8 4 चन्द्रमा circle 194 18 8 पृथ्वी

  1. मंगल

circle 239 13 3 Phobos and Deimos circle 233 18 8 मंगल

  1. Ceres and the asteroid belt
  2. - by placing the rectangle code for the asteroid belt AFTER Ceres, Ceres is "on top" (and can co-exist)

circle 271 18 8 सीरेस) rect 256 0 288 35 क्षुद्रग्रह

  1. बृहस्पति

circle 316 18 15 बृहस्पतिग्रह circle 329 5 6 बृहस्पतिको उपग्रह

  1. शनि

circle 372 18 10 शनिग्रह circle 381 7 6 शनिको उपग्रह

  1. अरुण

circle 418 18 9 अरुणग्रह circle 427 10 6 अरुणको उपग्रह

  1. वरुण

circle 471 10 3 वरुणको उपग्रह circle 462 18 12 वरुण

  1. Pluto, satellites, and the Kuiper belt
  2. - by placing the rectangle code for the Kuiper belt AFTER Pluto, Pluto is "on top" (and can co-exist)

circle 508 13 3 Charon, Nix, and Hydra circle 504 18 8 प्लूटो ग्रह rect 492 0 527 35 कुपर बेल्ट

  1. Eris, Dysnomia, and the Scattered disc
  2. - by placing the rectangle code for the Scattered disc AFTER Eris, Eris is "on top" (and can co-exist)

circle 544 14 3 डाईस्नोमिया (चंद्रमा) circle 540 18 8 एरीसग्रह) rect 528 0 567 35 स्केटर्ड डिस्क rect 568 0 597 35 The Oort cloud desc none

  1. - setting this to "bottom-right" will display a (rather large) icon linking to the graphic, if desired
  2. Notes:
  3. Details on the new coding for clickable images is here: